Q: Is archery safe?
A: Archery is indeed a very safe sport when performed correctly. All coaches are fully Archery GB qualified coaches with plenty of years of coaching experience with adults, children and disabled archers. We can provide expert coaching to people who have never shot archery before and are coming for any of our recreation sessions or parties, and also provide experienced archers with expert coaching to improve their own techniques. All of this is performed in Archery GB approved locations for safe archery.
Q: Are you insured?
A: Yes, Targeting Archery has taken out insurance specifically designed to cover the sport of archery in all the various formats that we offer.
Q: Can anyone take part?
A: Almost anyone can take part in archery. However, children should be at least 10 years old for a Beginners' Course, or possibly as young as 8 years old for a Taster Sessio, after first seeing them in person to check that they meet all the requirements to be suitable to start archery (sorry, no exceptions). Many disabilities can also be catered for (including wheelchair users). However you should notify us in advance so we can ensure that we can provide the disabled archer with suitable equipment for their disability, or so we can arrange for any specific equipment that might be needed for their session to be brought to the range. Bw aware our outdoor field gets soft/muddy with various weather conditions at times, which makes it unsuitable for wheelchairs, walking sticks and similar.
Please note that all our archery sessions and courses are only spoken in English. You will need a good understanding of the English language in order to understand all the safety instructions and archery related information we give throughout the course.
Q: When do you shoot archery?
A: We run Taster Sessions and Come-and-Shoot sessions on Tuesday afternoons only. Anyone can attend these sessions (you don't need any previous experience), but you do need to complete our Enrolment Form before attending (for equipment selection and insurance purposes) and you need to book your place onto a session in advance because we keep numbers low in order to provide the best possible 1-to-1 coaching for these sessions.
We normally run our Beginners' Courses over several sessions at the weekends, though we may occasionally also run a couple of courses on Thursday evenings during the summer months which might help people who cannot commit to several weekends.
Our Club runs sessions twice a week for the club members. Saturday mornings all year round, then during the winter seasons we shoot indoors on Thursday evenings and during the summer season we shoot outside on Tuesday evenings. We generally switch seasons during March.
Q: Are there any special clothing requirements for archery?
A: There are a few clothing rules that should be adhered to:
We reserve the right to refuse archery to anyone whose clothing, footwear, jewelry or piercings do not confirm to the above requirements.
Q: Can I leave my child with you and collect at the end?
No. Where juniors archers (under 18) are involved, our insurance and Child Protection Policy require that a responsible person (minimum 18 year old) must stay and supervise throughout the whole session. For parties, one responsible person for every four children is required to stay and supervise during the whole party.
Q: Do supervising adults get refreshments?
A: During courses and shooting sessions, supervising adults can be offered tea or coffee.
For Children's Parties the prices only include lunch boxes for the children. If any of the supervising adults would like to join in the refreshments, extra food boxes can be arranged at a cost, but these must be arranged with us in advance. However tea/coffee can be offered at no extra cost.
Q: How do I pay?
Q: Can we bring alcoholic drinks to a party?
A: No. As with all sports involving weapons, it is not permitted to drink alcohol during an archery session. We reserve the right to refuse archery to anyone we believe may be under the influence of either alcohol or drugs, or who attempts to take them whilst shooting is ongoing.
If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to contact us and we will try to assist wherever possible.